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承报 第13期抢先欣赏(3)The Nanny Diaries

发表于 2009-10-18 12:23 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The   Nanny    Diaries
      With the heated actress Scarlett Johnson and actor Robert Pulcini and a meaningful story ,the film has attracted a great number of audiences. It’s made of a novel written by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola  Kraus,  who  are  nannies  in  reality .
      The film told a story of a graduating college student named Annie ( acted by   Scarlett   Johnson ) ,who is confused about  her  future . Once she met a lady of the  upper society  --  Laura  Linney   by accident, then  her life of a nanny began . During the endless days  when she were getting along with the troublesome and cold female master and the little naughty aster, the only thing to be longing  for and enjoy is talking  with  Harvard  Hottie , a  handsome  and  gentle guy upstairs (acted  by Robert Pulcini ) . As  a  comedy , the  film  has  a  happy  ending ,  Annie persuaded Laura  to  divorce  with  her  husband  and  spend  more  energy  on  her  son  and  start  a  new  life . Also, Annie and Harvard Hottie were finally together.
       The film aims to criticize the in veracious Upper East Side.  But  the  plots   when   Annie and the  naughty  little  master------Grayer  are  together  are  pretty  vivid  and  funny . Another  shining  spot  is  the  love  between  Annie  and  the  handsome   guy .  And  it  has  something  with  us  university  students,
      that's why  it’s reasonable to be recommended.

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The NannyDiaries.jpg
发表于 2014-5-21 17:24 | 只看该作者
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